2DK Apartment
in Koyanagi
Motosu-gun Kitagata-cho, Gifu
Monthly Costs ¥45,574
Available Now
Size 40.95 m²
Deposit ¥0
Key Money ¥0
Floor 2 / 2F
Year Built 2000
Nearest Station 4 min. walk to 惠光学園 bus stop, then 30+ min. by bus to Gifu Station
2DK Apartment
in Ippommatsu
Motosu-gun Kitagata-cho, Gifu
Monthly Costs ¥47,050
Available Now
Size 49.68 m²
Deposit ¥0
Key Money ¥0
Floor 2 / 2F
Year Built 2000
Nearest Station 4 min. walk to 惠光学園 bus stop, then 30+ min. by bus to Gifu Station
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